I've been receiving few request to postpone our first meeting as several of you already had taken engagements and were hardly motivated to attend our first meeting. As I would be happy to see the most of you attending, I propose to postpone the event to the next thursday, so the 14th. october. This is exceptional, due to the fact that we have less time to anticipate this first off line session.
The second meeting will be on the first thursday of december, and we'll keep this rythm of every first thursday on a bi-monthly basis, so please save the dates as soon as possible.
Again, for those of you who are living far away from our coasts, we'll post every information about what would have happen on this first session to share it with you.
Thank you.
Good idea to make it regularly and predicable. Useful for those who may choose to travel from distant lands... :-)
Posted by: Adriana Cronin-Lukas | September 15, 2004 at 11:43 AM