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The wiki link is at the lower right or here:


Some reports about the meeting are already lined on the page of our first meeting:


Don't hesitate to register your profile and edit !

what a pitty, that Paris is that far away from here...

Hi everybody. Just another wiki link just to mention that Ludo and I would really hope to succeed in this seedwiki :-) Think the first step could be the updating of home pages with some small photos ? Let's say about 50 * 50 px as on Orkut ?

Awaiting reactions from all participants anywhere on the public web.

Should we write an article like IndicationAuteur.

Tell us :-)

You know the old saying about herding cats? I'd guess that herding a pack of CEOs into a discussion on a single topic would be like getting a large group of assorted hungry lions, tigers, leopards, and pumas, to agree on who gets the first nibble on a gazelle carcass!

To make sense of what we have to contribute, we probably need to "panel" or "moderate" our discussion. That way, the various CEO's commenting will stay "on topic." Also, we may need to refer to our own blogs and get other members to read them and post on them. In that way, our discussions on this forum will start to spread out and influence the audiences who come to our various blogs.

The time I have spent with other CEOs in business organizations (or via my Board) has been incredibly helpful. We lead lonely lives, and need the perspective and help of other people who share our experiences and challenges. Perhaps then the final thing we can do is to bring problems and issues to this group, for discussion and review by our peers?

I wish I could have been in Paris to meet the rest of this group. Hope these comments help us move forward. Let me know what part I and other individual contributors can play.

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