Mike Podanoffsky
I am the founder of a startup, ShareCube, focusing on security products. One form of spam mail are 'phishing' attempts that pretends to be from a financial institution and asks you to click, logon, and verify your account information. The web site is a copy of the financial institution's web site and the idea is to steal your account information and your money.
Doing a startup is great fun. I was CEO of Modtek, Inc back in the 1980's before I went on to a series of technical lead positions at IBM and Cisco Systems, Inc.
I find that I have been focusing on marketing and my weblog reflects comments on our positioning. I hope to change that soon to blog more about doing startups. I blog at sharecube.blogspot.com.
This idea of a ceo blog is really commendable and I have derived a great deal of value from your comments.
"It's not what's behind us, and it's not what's ahead of us, but it's what's inside of us that matters."
Oliver Wendell Holmes
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