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Bonjour Guillaume,

I've been wanting to get in touch with you. I am interested in speaking at the New Comm Forum in Paris in April. Je parle francais assez bien mais j'espere que les presentations seront en anglais, non??! You can email me at [email protected]. Direct phone is +1 202.364.5705. I am in Washington DC. Please let me know the best way to get in touch with you!



In a careful examination, along with several interviews with Cornell University Students, the advent, and the diverse material covered within the emerging world of blogging, bloggers, and blogs in general, are far more accurate in descriptions of the community they were visiting, than what they got from the tourism industry. Thus, this should be drawed to the attention of responsiable bloggers and blogger groups, like yourelf. This, as a reults of statements made I am informing you of your own excellent achievement, among others - which has been evolving; especially in Paris, France, as well as to remind others less resonsiable to be cautious.

The entire reason for my efforts is the use the INTERNET as An Inter - City Cultural Communications media is to promote both Intercultural Communications between peoples, but more important to develop a responsiable online user community focus within the INTERNET via the concept of " Cultural Democracy." Thus when I ran into an excellent reprentitive of a Sociocultural Blogger in Paris name Jason Stone [http://jasonstone.typepad.com ]I promoted is responsiable usage of his time and available resources on both Paris Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC [ http://euro-quest.tripod.com/parisnightlife ] and New York city Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC [ http://salsadanza.tripod.com/newyorkcitynightlife ].

With this in mind, and based upon your more corporate approach I am also promoting your responsiable effort too! This is on WebSite Paris Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC too! Even though C.E.O is a little flashy for me, but nonetheless, for what you are doing - you more than deserve the attention and image promotional.


Mr. Roger M. Christian

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