I am very happy to announce that we have added a lunchtime panel at the US session of NewCommForum on January 27 in partnership with Corante. Called True Voice: The Power Laws and You, the panel will be moderated by Stowe Boyd, of Corante's Get Real blog. He will be joined by Greg Reinacker, the Founder and CTO of NewsGator Technologies, among others. The panel will be videocast live.
The panel is part of Corante's True Voice project. We are very happy to have them with us! I hope you can join us as well.
Panel Description:
Reed's Law states that the value of an online network is based on the number of groups that people form, not just the number of people. As networks become very large, this grouping phenomenon leads to interesting dynamics, since popular search engines rank order websites and blogs based on the number of incoming links. Being more connected -- more referenced -- increases the likelihood of being discovered today, and the probability of gaining more links in the future: the so-called Networking Power Laws. Translated into public relations, these facts mean that the more connections to your website, or the more mentions about your product and services, the better. This panel will discuss "digital reputation management," and the emerging tools and methods for managing brand reputation in the blogosphere.