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12 September 2005


I am a PR student at Auburn University, and we just started using Skype in our class. Robert French, my professor, told us that this was going to happen, and he was right on.

Skype is an innovative program, and with it eBay is going to control even more of ecommerce. Kind of scary. I wonder how long it will take the rest of the non-Skype world to catch on to Skype now that eBay has bought it. It's going to take the country by storm!

I sincerely hope that it stays free, because that is what will make it appealing and useful to a vast majority of potential customers. They're saying it won't now, but maybe that will change once everyone has an account? I could see it being used by people for business and personal use more and more, making other communication outlets obsolete.

It'll be exciting to see what happens next!

"This is the hugest news of this fall! "

And fall isn't yet there! That's huge! ;-)

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