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28 March 2006


You can also add "La blogosfera hispana", which will be released next Monday in Madrid:

It's published by the France Télécom Foundation in Spain.

Thanks Guillaume! Believe it or not, I am planning a book launch for the UK... in October! Penguin sold the UK rights and it's coming out there with a completely different cover. I need to get the Brit cover up on the book blog. Which is a mess at the moment... We're going to clean it up.

As for Paris... how can I say no?!

You'd better work! (RuPaul)

Many thanks Constantin, I am going to update my post.

Remember my book:
"Blogs. La conversación en Internet que está revolucionando medios, empresas y ciudadanos"

You could take a look at:


Guillaume, another resource for books on blogging (and not English-only :) is this page I maintain on the NewPR Wiki: http://www.301url.com/blogging-books

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