I've not been blogging a lot those last days due to my new new responsibilities here at Edelman, and I have to say "slamed" is a word which is going to stick to me for a while...
Anyway, I spent this all day in London attending the event organised by the london office around blogging or "why you can't ignore blogging" at this great place, One Aldwych. It was a nice opportunity for me to meet Stuart Smith, CEO of Edelman London, Pamela Fieldhouse and Julie Halley but also Charlie Cannell from EIS and Jackie Cooper from JCPR.
Kevin Anderson from the BBC was one of the panelist and we have had some amazing discussion about his podcasting activities and how he collects some of his interviews from countries like China per MP3 files sent piece by piece to a Gmail account... He also explained how chinese bloggers are using their Flickr account to avoid censorship by sending pictures of themselves handling big shields on which they write their messages... Unbelievable, but... only the truth.
And again, the french riots... Two articles in this morning issue of USA Today, this is really in everyone's head around the world, so let me confirm, you can come in France now without risking your life, we are a safe country and tourists won't be hurt ! Unfortunately it's not our first time, we are used to these suburbs problems, even if we'd love to see an issue for it, although I don't see any at the same time, this is such an old problem, all governments have tried to solve it and all have failed...
Anyway, now that I am on the way back, I really appreciate to be part of such an international team with so many complementary skills and at the same time, such a strong voluntee to work all together and to make it happen ! That's just great and so exciting to connect with you guys.
(I've moblogged some photos of the event on my moblog Winks)