Unfortunately I couldn't participate in New Communications Forum 2005 US session which is so frustrating as co-organisator with Elizabeth ... I have to stay in Paris to welcome a US VP WW marketing & sales coming for a one week press tour in Europe and a one day stop in Paris, which I must say, I hoped till the last time would be cancelled but unfortunately, it didn't happen. So I am missing my forum... That's life... I hope the press tour will be successfull, we have 8 meetings set up....
Constantin Basturea who is participating in NewCommForum as instructor has been setting up a specific page on NewPR Wiki for those who are blogging about NCF, unfortunately I can't edit the page as I can't request a password from Constantin right now, he is attending NCF, so I am going to put here every post I can find from now. This will be my 2 cents...
From Nevon:
First session blogged
Blogs in crisis communication
The Napa experience Day 1
The Hobson & Holtz Report - RSS Special Edition - January 26, 2005
EPIC: The age of participatory communication
Panel discussion: Blogging and branding
Panel discussion: Blogging and journalism
The Hobson & Holtz Report - Jeremy Wright Interview - January 27, 2005
Opportunity knocks for corporate communicators
From For Immediate Release: The Hobson and Holtz report
The Hobson and Holtz Report -- Special RSS Edition, Fergus Burns CEO of Nooked, interview from the New Communications Forum
The Hobson and Holtz Report -- Jeremy Wright interview
From Shel Holtz
Blogs vs. message boards
Measuring conversations
Journalists are Webified
From Alice MArshall'sTechnoflak blog
Beethoven in the Audience
From SilliconValleyWatcher
How to Pitch Bloggers: Quick Notes from the New Communication Forum
Quick Notes from the New Communication Forum
Leading bloggerists heading to Napa for conference...the end of marketing is nigh
From Anita Campbell's Small Business Trends
Live Blogging from Blog University - Blogs vs. Discussion Boards
Live Blogging from Blog University - How to Pitch Bloggers
Live Blogging from Blog University - How to Write a Blog
| | Live Blogging Day 2 Blog University: More Links Andy Lark with Lessons for Today's Business Communicators Some photos From Active Voice Updated: It's a BlogFest! Andy Lark NCF Keynote More NewCommForum posts From Pop! Public Relations At the NewComm Forum From Richard Koman's blog Blogging and journalism I'll be adding more here as soon as they pop up... From Lois Ambash's Metaforix blog Live, from Napa, it’s the New Communications Forum! What’s the big deal about blogging? Neville Hobson on corporate blogging Technoflak: Alice Marshall on "How to Pitch Bloggers"
Alex Williams of Corante recently interviewed Elizabeth and I about the NewCommForum via Flashmeeting. You can listen to the whole thing here or just bits and pieces based on the "minutes." FlashMeeting is really a cool technology, I've been impressed to see how easy to use it was, by the way the first time I've been interviewed on a webcam and not really easy for a non US native as I am... I have to listen to it to check if I am even able to understand myself ;o). Alex explains it in terms of Hypermedia here.
I am happy to announce that we have added our two final panelists to the event program. New to the Blogging and Branding panel is Daniel Taylor, the managing director of the Mobile Enterprise Alliance (MEA), a global advocacy group promoting the business benefits of workforce mobility to enterprise end users and decision makers. He has been successfully using his blog to increase MEA website traffic and visibility. In addition, Micheal Sippey, vice president product, Six Apart will be joining the True Voice: The Power Laws and You panel. Six Apart is one of our sponsors, and offers leading blogging tools and services (Typepad, which powers this blog, is one of them). We have received many more requests to speak than we could possibly use. Some of these people will be joining us at the Forum, and adding their wisdom via audience discussion. We hope others will join us in future endeavors!
Elizabeth and I, after conferring with our speakers and sponsors, have decided to move the New Communications Forum Europe to April 5-6, 2005. This will allow us to apply lessons learned and feedback from the US event, while enabling us to expand and strengthen the European event with additional partners.
The event will still be at Eurodisney, and it looks like all of our speakers will be able to make it. We'll be updating event information as we move forward. You can still register for the event and contact the hotel listed to make reservations for the April timeframe. Please let us know if you have any questions.
I am very happy to announce that we have added a lunchtime panel at the US session of NewCommForum on January 27 in partnership with Corante. Called True Voice: The Power Laws and You, the panel will be moderated by Stowe Boyd, of Corante's Get Real blog. He will be joined by Greg Reinacker, the Founder and CTO of NewsGator Technologies, among others. The panel will be videocast live.
The panel is part of Corante's True Voice project. We are very happy to have them with us! I hope you can join us as well.
Panel Description:
Reed's Law states that the value of an online network is based on the number of groups that people form, not just the number of people. As networks become very large, this grouping phenomenon leads to interesting dynamics, since popular search engines rank order websites and blogs based on the number of incoming links. Being more connected -- more referenced -- increases the likelihood of being discovered today, and the probability of gaining more links in the future: the so-called Networking Power Laws. Translated into public relations, these facts mean that the more connections to your website, or the more mentions about your product and services, the better. This panel will discuss "digital reputation management," and the emerging tools and methods for managing brand reputation in the blogosphere.
I am very happy to announce Eric Briys, President and cofounder of Cyberlibris, the first digital library in Europe, to participate in our "Blogging and Branding" panel at the european session of New Communications Forum 2005. Eric spent fifteen years in the academic world as a Professor of Finance. After having taught at the CERAM, and then in Canada and the United States, he joined the Groupe HEC, heading up the Finance and Economy department, the Doctoral Program and the Institut Supérieur des Affaires (ISA). His main areas of research were in derivatives markets, insurance, the risk economy and asset liability management. He published some thirty scientific papers and eight reference books. He then left the academic world to work in merchant banking. He managed Insurance & Reinsurance departments for Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch and Deutsche Bank. Eric is a graduate of HEC and of the Stockholm School of Economics. He holds a doctorate degree in economic sciences from the University of Geneva. Eric is blogging about management and the new economy at Cyberlibris Blog See also Cyberlibris background
I am very happy to announce Stuart Mudie as new instructor at the european session of NewCommForum for the "writing for blogs " workshop. Stuart is a Scottish living in Paris for few years, he is leading Stuart Mudie Communications and he is blogging daily at Blethers for several years... I've had a very nice lunch with Stuart last week in Paris and by this way met my first Scottish... ;o) (He didn't drink any Whisky...) Thank you Stuart for joining us, looking forward to meeting you there !
Please stop by and learn about our event, the New Communications Forum 2005. This 2-day intensive workshop to be held in California in January and Paris in February is designed to educate public relations and marketing communications people about new communications tools such as blogging. Hope to see you there !